
Brave frontier blue blooded bond
Brave frontier blue blooded bond

Jad (जाड़), Jar, Zad or Zar, a group or class of Kaneta found in Kanawar and comprising many khels or septs. † The word Jajak appears to be a corruption of Jachak. Jachak (जाचक), a beggar, an examiner, a prover, * from jach, guessing, an estimate, trial or skill. Jaboke (जबोके), (1) a Kharral clan and (2) a Muhammadan Jat clan (both agricultural) found in Montgomery. So called from some mountain (jabl) in Arabia. Jabli (जबली), a group of Sayyid families found near Kahror in Multan.

brave frontier blue blooded bond

Jabar (जबर), a Jat clan (agricultural) found in Multan.

Brave frontier blue blooded bond